Terms & Conditions

General Terms and Conditions



1.1.   This document represents the general terms and conditions for using the virtual selling platform for goods  www.detelina.bg and its subdomains which settles the rules for using the platform, including the conclusion of a contract for purchase and sell with this online store. By making a purchase from the site www.detelina.bg, the client  declares, that he/she is familiar with the current general terms and conditions and accepts them as binding in his/hers relations with the seller.

1.2.   The current General terms and conditions are compliant with the requirements of the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) with the following site  

https://kzp.bg/ , as well as with the other normative acts, active in Republic Bulgaria . On the 09.01.2016г  an online platform for online solving of users disputes started work (platform for ORS) - her address is  https://ec.europa.eu/



2.1.    Seller – Detelina.BG OOD. The company is registered in the Commercial register with  EIC 200877293. In.№ with VAT BG200877293, with seat and address of management:city Novi Iskar, str.Iglika №4 and Owner Kamelia Nikolcheva.

2.2.    Client/User - every physical and legal face or other legal formation which uses the site www.detelina.bg in whatever way, including not only looking through it, also making orders from it, buying, returning good etc.

2.3.    Site - virtual platform for selling goods located on the domain  www.detelina.bg and its subdomains.

2.4.     Account - section of the Site, made up by an email address and password , which allows the Client to send his/hers Order and also which holds information about the Client.

2.5.    Order - an electronic document, representing a comunication form between the Seller and the Buyer with which the Buyer declares to the Seller, through the website his/hers intenion to purchase Goods and Services from the Site.

2.6.    Goods and Services - every subject of the contract for purchase and sale from the Site.

2.7.    Discounts - every commercial message, aiming to popularize certain Goods and/or Services, which are offered in limited stocks except if in the commercial message expressively is not mentioned the opposite, for a specific period of time indicated by the Seller.

2.8.    Contract - represents the concluded from distance contract between the Seller and the Buyer for purchase and sale of Goods and/or Services from the Site, inseparable part of the current general terms and conditions for using the Site.

2.9.    Content

  all the information of the Site, which is available through a connection with the internet and using a device which has an internet connection.

  information, concerning the Clients and concerning with the Goods and/or the Services and/or the applicable tarrifs from third parties with which the Seller has  concluded under some form of affiliate contracts

  data on the Seller or other data related to Goods and/or Services

2.10.    Bulletin ( Newsletter ) - means for periodically informing about the offered from the Buyer, Goods and Services and discounts which is seny using an electronic way through electronic mail, without enaging or establishing responsibility of the Seller on the information it contains.

2.11.   Refund - the action of the side of the Seller to restore the sum of the Buyer in a result of  deformation or  non-implementation of the contract for purchase and sale of the Site, carried out only through banking way.

2.12.    Specifications- all the characteristics and/or description on the Goods and Services, so as well are shown in thei description which is provided by the manufacturer.

2.14.    Evaluation - method of expressing the level of satisfaction of a specific User/Client/Buyer in regards to a particular product. The evaluation is expressed using the scale from 1 to 5 (The lowest is 1 and the highest is 5). This degree of satisfaction will always be accompanied by a review written by the User/Client/Buyer for a specific product or service.



3.1.     Bulletins of the Seller, containing information for commercial discounts and other promotions.

3.2.      In the moment when the Client creates his/hers account in the Site or makes an order, this expresses his/hers agreement for receiving Bulletins from the Seller, as well as messages concerning orders of goods and confirmations of order changes.

3.3.       The Clients rejection of receiving Bulletins can be expressed anytime using the special link, found in every Bulletin or through the phone on the number 0889 223619.

3.4.      If  after a rejection to receive Bulletins has already been made by the Buyer, the User makes another order it is considered, that he/she has agreed to receive the Newsletter again.

3.5.      The rejection of receiving the Bulletins doesn’t mean an automatic rejection or given consent for the conclusion of this contract.

3.6.       With the provision of his/hers data to the Seller (including email, telephone) the User gives his/hers explicit consent that the Seller can contact him/her.

3.7.       The Seller reserves his/hers right to choose who to send Bulletins to, as well as to remove from their database the User who has given his/hers permission to receive Bulletins.

3.8.       The Clients have responsibility for security of their password and account and are entirely responsible for their actions carried out through their account or with their password. The seller reccomends to sign out from the account at the end of the session, clicking the button “Exit”.



4.1.      Orders in the online shop www.detelina.bg can be made in the following three ways:

A) Orders after registration.

 The Client fills out information fields for : name and surname, address and delivery address if it’s different for the specific delivery, telephone and email address. The Client declares his/hers wish to receive Bulletins.

B) Anonymous order

The Client fills out information fields for : name and surname, address for delivery and telephone needed for completing the order, in this case the client does not receive a written confirmation for the order he/she has made.

C) Fast order.

The Client fills out information fields for: name and telephone. With him/her an operator of the Seller connects and in a conversation specifies the needed information for completion of the order; meaning specifies the product (color, size) and takes the needed information for fulfilment of the order: name and surname, address for delivery and telephone. In this case the client doesn’t receive written confirmation for the order he/she has made.

4.2.       The Client is obligated to respond to all the data for the order, which he/she has made and send to the Seller to be correct, complete and true to date of making the order.

4.3.       Every Goods/Services which is added to the shopping cart is available for purchase in the frame of the available stocks. The addition of one Goods and/or Service in the shopping cart, does not lead to a registration of the order and automatic saving of the Good/Service.The order is activated by the press of the second button “Order” and after the site loads the full information for the specific order (ordered goods, date and address for delivery).

4.4.      With a successfully made order, the User receives a confirmation through an electronic letter of the email address that the Buyer has given( The Buyer doesn’t have responsibility if the Client doesn’t receive this email) when the order is made as a registered User. In the confirmation email the ordered goods are mentioned, number of the order and date and time in which the order has been made. Users who have used the anonymous way of ordering or the fast order way do not receive a confirmation email. Confirmation through the phone is mandatory every time for each order.

4.5.       With the sending of the Order, the Client gives permission to the Seller to connect with him/her in every possible way.

4.6.       The Seller has the right to refuse to complete/to cancel the order made by the Client, for which Client will be informed. The cancelation of the order doesn’t bring any responsibility or following obligation for any of the sides to the other one and respectively none of them have the right to search from the other side compensation for the cancellation.

4.7.      In the case that the Client want to cancel the contract in the refusal period, given to him for this by the Seller, the latter is obligated to return the preemptively paid order in the period of 14 days from the date on which he/she receives the notification of the Client, that he/she is backing out of the contract. The sum will be returned as the following:

    Payments made through bank transfer- through restoration through the account, from which the payment was made.

   Payments made through pay to collect- through a bank account additionally provided by the Client

4.8.       The Seller has the right to slow down the restoration of the sum in the case of a signed contract until the return of the sold Goods.

4.9.       Right of return of the Goods have only the users on the account of the Law for protecting the users in the case that the goods are in a reserved commercial appearance and is accompanied by an undamaged package, price tag and barcode.

4.10.       In the case, that the ordered and prepaid Goods and/or Service from the Client can’t be delivered/given by the Seller, then the latter will inform the Client for this and will restore on the Client’s account the already paid for Goods and/or Service, in a period of 7 days from the date on which the Seller has made this fact or from the date on which the Buyer has clearly made his/hers wish for termination of the Contract.

4.11.       The Client can refuse an already made order without needing to provide the reasons for the refusal.

4.12.       A refusal can be made:

·             On the phone 0889 223619

·            Through an online letter (email) to the email address on the email address: detelina@detelina.bg. For the refusal to be valid, the User has to give: number of the order, the telephone number given by him/her when making the order, two names with which he/she has registered in the website, email address (online mail) with which he/she has registered in the website and value of the order.

·          Through filling the Reclamation form on the website www.detelina.bg



5.1.      Payment of the ordered goods can be made with three different ways or a combination between them, when despite the chosen way of payment, the sum for payment is the same and additional taxes for payment ways are not accounted for.

    With „ pay to collect ” - payment in cash to the courier upon shipment.

    With bank transfer on the shown firm account.

5.2.       For every ordered goods the user has to pay to price which is put into the online store at the moment of the order. The price of every order can change dynamically.



6.1.       The shipment is made only of successfly accepted orders after confirmation in a telephone conversation when the recipient is in Bulgaria. During the conversation the client is given the information when the order will be completed. Orders with a recipient outside Bulgaria aren’t confirmed with a telephone conversation.

6.2.      Price of the delivery of goods, offered by the Seller are calculated by the online store which depend on the courier and the client alone chooses which courier he/she will use.

6.3.      Delivery of the ordered goods isn’t being made during Sundays and on official holidays.

•    A normal delivery - in a period up to 4 working days from the moment of confirmation by one of our consultants through email or telephone for the available goods in stock.

•    A normal delivey to Greece and Romania - in a period of 6 working days from the moment of confirmation for available goods in stock.

•    Prolonged delivey - in a period of 15 calendar days from the moment of confirmation by one of our providers outside Bulgaria. Every one of these goods is marked on the site.

6.4.       The Seller uses for delivery the courier firms Speedy, Sameday and Econt  the common hours for delivey are from 9 am to 17.30 pm.The User can choose the courier and way of delivery during the making of the order.The Seller can change the chosen from the User courier while keeping same the price of the delivery is shown in the Shipment.

6.5.      The delivery is made to a specific address, chosen by the User ( it does not matter if it’s an office address or address where someone resides) or to an office of the chosen courier firm specified in a conversation with an operator of the Seller.

6.6.       If the Client does not provide access and conditions for delivery of the goods on the specific address in the specific period or does not go to the courier office he/she has chosen in the delivery periods, if he/she has selected that option the Seller is freed from the commitment to make the delivery.



7.1.      The Seller offers every Goods on the Site with a guarantee in agreement of the Goods with the Contract in agreement with the active legislation in the Republic of Bulgaria and the guarantee policy of the respective manufacter or the official distibutor of the Goods.



8.1.       The Client has the right of addvertisment or return of bought from the online store goods in a period of 14 days from the receival of the goods.

8.2.       Refusal of the contract can be made also in front of the courier in delivery of the goods, if the goods are delivered after the period because of reasons which are outside of the Clients reach and are not caused by outside powers.

8.3.      When a refusal of the contract happens the Client has to return the bought goods in an undamaged commercial appearance with a preserved label, as well as the receipt which accompanies the goods.

8.4.       When a refusal of the contract happens if the Client has already paid for the goods, the sum is being recovered for the returned goods on the bank account he/she has indicated. Sums are not recovered, untill the Client has returned the Goods. If the Goods are not returned in the period p.8.1 refusal of the contract does not result in any action.

8.5.       Right of refusal of the contract in the cases when the goods are already paid for, cannot be used for bathing suits, underwear and socks.

8.6.       Advertisments are made, when the bought goods doesn’t correspond to the agreement between the sides of the contract for sale. Discrepancy in the agreement between the sides can be seen in:

•    manufacturing defects of the Goods;

•    found missing parts of the Goods;

•    wrong Goods have been sent, different from the ordered ones;

•    Discrepancy with the declared size and/or colour – goods, sent in different sizes and/or different colours;

•    damage of the goods during the transportation.

8.7.       Advertisments can be caused in front of the Seller on the following email address detelina@detelina.bg  or through filling out the Advertisments form on the site www.detelina.bg, when at the same time with this the Client has to return the Goods in the period of 14 days counting from the point of receiving the Goods.

8.8.        During advertisment the Client can choose a change of the specific product for the same one without defects or in another size or another colour or a return of the Goods for a restoration of the paid Sum. Consultant of the online store can offer a change of the Goods with a completely different product with an expression of the prices – or the Client overpays, if the other product is more expensive or is being offered two different products for the same price or the User has to restore the difference between the returned and new product, if the price of the new product is lower than the one price the User has paid.

8.9.      Return of the Goods during advertisments, in cases outside of a manufacter defect or damage during transportation is made in the following conditions:

•    Original commercial appearance (the Goods aren’t torn, scratched, worn, washed, ironed).

•    There are no damages available, caused by misuse.

•    Preserved original packaging, label and receipt.

8.10.       Returning of the Goods with a refusal of the contract, or with advertisment , is made to an Econt office in Novi Iskar city on str.Commercial or at the address: Novi Iskar city, str.Iglika №4.

8.11.       With an exchange of the Goods the transportation fees are covered by the Client both ways it is different only if the exchange is needed because of a mistake of the online store. In this case the client can exchange or return the product, he/she himself/herself chooses the courier for this as well as where the product will be returned.



9.1.       Responsibility for drawbacks of the Goods, for performance of the contract for sale from a distance as well as restoration of paid sums carries the Seller of the Goods.

9.2.       The Seller does not have any responsibility in front of a third party, if such a party decides that the information made public on the online store violates someones copyright or some other rights of another intelectual property.



10.1.       It is possible that because of limited space and a consecutive structure of information, the products description can sometimes be incomplete

10.2.       All the Goods, including those on promotion/on sale are sold and delivered until exhaustion of the quantity even if that is not exclusively marked on the Site.

10.3.       General terms of www.detelina.bg are mandatory for every User onthe Site.

10.4.       Every use of this Site means that you have (a) carefully read the general terms and conditions for its use and (b) have agreed to comply with them unconditionally.

10.5.       General terms and conditions can be changed only by the Seller during any time through publishing in the Site. These changes come in power immediately and are mandatory for all Users/Clients

10.6.       The Seller has the rights to make changes on the terms and conditions for use during any time through own discretion or if they are needed because of an enactment in power. It is possible that they have retroactive action in regard to the already delivered and confirmed orders.

10.7.       In every case of changes of the general terms and conditions the Seller will inform the Clients through publishing the changes in the Site. In this sense You as a Client have the obligation to make a reference for eventual changes in the general terms and conditions of the Site with every use of it.

10.8.       If one of the provisions of the current general terms and conditions for usage of the Site turn out to be unreal or inapplicable, despite of the reason for that, this doesn’t have an effect on the unreality or inapplicability of the other provisions.

10.9.       The Seller makes a serious effort to keep the information which is offered in the Site up to date. Despite this, there’s to keep in mind the possibility of a technical error or a missing piece of information, the Seller makes it clear that the products images have an informative and guiding character, respectively that the delivered products can differ from the images, because of characteristics or design changes.

10.10.        Characteristics or prices of the products  described on the Site, can be changed by the Seller any time and can have technical mistakes. The Seller can deny to fulfil an order if the following conditions are present:

•    in a zero price

•    obviously unreal low price, against the other products from the same type on the Site

10.11.       The Site can contain links to other sites. The Seller does nott have responsibility for the confidentiality policy of other sites which he/she is not an admin of as well other information on them.

10.12.       Through registration of the Order on the site, the Buyer agrees through the phone or email makes his wish clear to receive the corresponding Goods or Service from the Seller against payment.

10.13.       The Seller will send You a notification for registration of the Order in the system which does not make sense of acceptance, confirmation or taking over of the commitment for its performance. This notification the Seller makes through an online way (email) or the telephone.

10.14.      In this sense the Seller has the right to not deliver part of or all the Goods or an incomplete part of or all of the Services from the Order on his/hers sole discretion including but not only because of exhaustion of the storage stock or a change in the price. In all cases the Seller notifies the Client for this through email or through the phone. In this position the only responsibility of the Seller is to return the eventually received in advance price of the Goods or the Service.

10.15.        Contract for purchase and sale from a distance between the Seller and the Client is considered for concluded if:

A)  In the moment of the receival of a notification from the side of the Client that the Seller is ready to provide the Service or to send the Goods from the Order of the supplier company which will deliver it to an address, stated by the Client according to the possibilities for delivery pricing conditions and company policy.

B)  After specification of the Order in a telephone conversation if an anonymous or fast order is used.

10.16.      Contract for purchase and sale is concluded between the Client and Seller consists of the current general terms and conditions and the information claimed by the Buyer on the Site.

10.17.       Access to the site www.detelina.bg with a registration purpose of an Order is allowed to every Client.

10.18.       The Seller preserves his/hers right to limit the access to the Website or parts of it for visitors, which have been registered except if something else is not required by the applicable law.

10.19.       The Client has the right to publish opinions for the Goods and/or Services, as well as to make contact with the Seller on the addresses already mentioned in section ,, contacts ’' on the Site or on the phone. Opinions or messages, which contain uncensored or inappropriate words will be removed from the Site or ignored. The Seller has the freedom to process the information received from the Client without it being necessary to give reason for his/hers actions in connection to this. The Client has the right to only one registration and can use only one User account with us.

10.20.       The Client does not have the right to use accounts of other registered user or to give other third parties the opportunity to use his/hers account. The Client does not have the right to maliciously create additional registered accounts with a malicious purpose to damage the Site’s functionality or with other Users or to try to pretend to be another User.

10.21.       Communication with the Buyer can be made through direct contact with him/her or on the address that are in the section ,, Contacts ’'. The Seller has the freedom to handle the received information without it being necessary to give reason for this.

10.22.      In a case of unusually large traffic from the internet web to the Site, the Seller keeps his/hers right to require from the Clients to establish hand validating codes type captcha with a safety purpose for the published information on the Site.

10.23.       The Seller can publish advertising or promotional information for the Goods and/or Services and/or for the offered from him/her or his/hers partners promotions, for a specific period of time as well as information of the stock availability.

10.24.        All the prices of the Goods and/or Services on the Site are final, stated in BGN,RON and EURO with all the required taxes and/or fees.

10.25.       In a case of payments through the PayPal system or payments through bank transfer, the Seller does not have any responsibility for any of the fees or any additional taxes that come in connection with the transaction the Buyer himself/herself made, as well as in the cases of currency exchange, applied by the bank itself, the one who has given the Client’s card in the cases when the currency is different from BGN. Expenses, connected with such payments are only for the Buyer’s expense.

10.26.       All the images, which are on the Site have the only purpose to make some kind of an idea for the type of offered Goods/Service but do not represent it fully. The Client does not have the right to hold the Seller responsible for any kind of discrepancies.

10.27.      The Seller has the right to use subcontractors for the performance of the Services, offered on the Site without it being necessary to notify the Buyer or receive his/hers permission for this.



11.1   The Site www.detelina.bg uses SSL certificate, which is seen from the additional S after the http in the browser used by the Client.
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a protocol, which provides encryption of the connection between the server (website) and browser (User). The connection transmisioned through this kind of connection is protected from unauthorized access and interception.



11.2   The Site www.detelina.bg is hosted by SuperHosting.BG OOD according to the rules of the Regulation (ЕС) 2016/679 of the European  Parliament and of the Council from the 27 april 2016 year concerning the protection of physical faces in connection to the processing of personal data and for cancalation of the Directive 95/46/ЕО ( Genneral regulation concerning the protection of data ) and is promulgated in an Official newspaper of the European Union on the 4 may 2016 year. (GDPR). 

11.3   The data which the Seller colects is only the neccesecary for completion of the Client’s order and is different volume in accordance to the way of delivery and way of order which have been chosen by him/her.

A) With a regustered User and prefered delivery to address, namely name and surnane, telephone number and delivery address (it is possible that is an official address, current address, office address or the address on which the User will be on the day of delivery), email address and IP address from which the Order has been made.

B) With an Annonymous Order and prefered delivety to a courier office, namely the name and surname, telephone number and IP address from which the order has been made.

C) With a Fast Order and prefered delivery to a courier office, namely name and surname, telephone number.

11.5   The User has the access to his/her own data and can correct it any time, change it or delete it through his/hers username and password.

11.4   The Data given by the User is used only for the completion of the User’s Order. The only data which is given to a third party is the one necessary for the courier firm to complete the delivery, as well as data asked from authorized personnel in the order of LOC.



12.1.      None of the sides holds any responsibility for not competing their contract duties if such negligence is caused by a forestry condition.  A forestry condition is an  unpredictable event outside of the control of the sides which cannot be evaded.

12.2.      If in a period of 14 days from the date of the corresponding event if it does not cease both of the sides have the right to notify the other side that they are cancelling the Contract without owning the other side compensation for any damages that may eventually occur.



13.1.       The Content according to the definiton in chapter ,,Definitions’' includes but not only the logo, all kinds of graphical images or signs, commecial signs, texts and/or multimedia content on the Site can be used only by the Seller.

13.2.      Nothing in the concluded contract from distance between the Seller and Client can be considered as permission from the side of the Seller that the latter can copy, distribute, publish, give to third parties, change in whatever way any part of the Conent including but not only the content of commercial brands, logos, multimedia content on the Site and/or descriptions of the Goods or Services in whatever way including through the input of whatever content which is from outside the Site the removal of the signs denoting the rights of ownership of the Seller of the Content. The Client does not have the right to transfer, sell, distribute materials, made by the reproduction (copying), changing or publishing of Content the only execption being if a specific approval is provided by the Seller.

13.3.       Every kind of Content to which the Client has access to despite the means for that is a subject matter of regulation from the general terms and conditions

13.4.       The Client can copy transfer and/or use the Content only for personal non-commercial purposes only in the case in which this does not go against the already perceived in the current contract.

13.5.       The Client has the right to use the Content for commercial purposes only when and if he/she has received a written agreement from the Seller for this as well as the time limits for which this agreement was given specificallyEvery following or different use of the Content can be considered for violation of the current contract between the Seller and Client and for violation of the rights of intelectual ownership of Detelina.BG OOD which has the right to hold the Client responsible for this.

13.6.       The simple act of sending to the Client or reffering him/her to the Content or parts of it from the Seller will not count for permission that Client can use the Content or part of it for his/hers own purpose different from personal needs independently from the means of communication used by the Seller.

13.7.       Any use of the Content for purposes other than the ones specifically listed in the general terms and conditions or other specific written agreement, given by Detelina.BG OOD is forbidden.

 The current general terms and conditions are accepted by the manager of Detelina.BG OOD on the 20.06.2023 .

Last correction on the 20.06.2023General Terms and Conditions



1.1.   This document represents the general terms and conditions for using the virtual selling platform for goods  www.detelina.bg and its subdomains which settles the rules for using the platform, including the conclusion of a contract for purchase and sell with this online store. By making a purchase from the site www.detelina.bg, the client  declares, that he/she is familiar with the current general terms and conditions and accepts them as binding in his/hers relations with the seller.

1.2.   The current General terms and conditions are compliant with the requirements of the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) with the following site  

https://kzp.bg/ , as well as with the other normative acts, active in Republic Bulgaria . On the 09.01.2016г  an online platform for online solving of users disputes started work (platform for ORS) - her address is  https://ec.europa.eu/



2.1.    Seller – Detelina.BG OOD. The company is registered in the Commercial register with  EIC 200877293. In.№ with VAT BG200877293, with seat and address of management:city Novi Iskar, str.Iglika №4 and Owner Kamelia Nikolcheva.

2.2.    Client/User - every physical and legal face or other legal formation which uses the site www.detelina.bg in whatever way, including not only looking through it, also making orders from it, buying, returning good etc.

2.3.    Site - virtual platform for selling goods located on the domain  www.detelina.bg and its subdomains.

2.4.     Account - section of the Site, made up by an email address and password , which allows the Client to send his/hers Order and also which holds information about the Client.

2.5.    Order - an electronic document, representing a comunication form between the Seller and the Buyer with which the Buyer declares to the Seller, through the website his/hers intenion to purchase Goods and Services from the Site.

2.6.    Goods and Services - every subject of the contract for purchase and sale from the Site.

2.7.    Discounts - every commercial message, aiming to popularize certain Goods and/or Services, which are offered in limited stocks except if in the commercial message expressively is not mentioned the opposite, for a specific period of time indicated by the Seller.

2.8.    Contract - represents the concluded from distance contract between the Seller and the Buyer for purchase and sale of Goods and/or Services from the Site, inseparable part of the current general terms and conditions for using the Site.

2.9.    Content

  all the information of the Site, which is available through a connection with the internet and using a device which has an internet connection.

  information, concerning the Clients and concerning with the Goods and/or the Services and/or the applicable tarrifs from third parties with which the Seller has  concluded under some form of affiliate contracts

  data on the Seller or other data related to Goods and/or Services

2.10.    Bulletin ( Newsletter ) - means for periodically informing about the offered from the Buyer, Goods and Services and discounts which is seny using an electronic way through electronic mail, without enaging or establishing responsibility of the Seller on the information it contains.

2.11.   Refund - the action of the side of the Seller to restore the sum of the Buyer in a result of  deformation or  non-implementation of the contract for purchase and sale of the Site, carried out only through banking way.

2.12.    Specifications- all the characteristics and/or description on the Goods and Services, so as well are shown in thei description which is provided by the manufacturer.

2.14.    Evaluation - method of expressing the level of satisfaction of a specific User/Client/Buyer in regards to a particular product. The evaluation is expressed using the scale from 1 to 5 (The lowest is 1 and the highest is 5). This degree of satisfaction will always be accompanied by a review written by the User/Client/Buyer for a specific product or service.



3.1.     Bulletins of the Seller, containing information for commercial discounts and other promotions.

3.2.      In the moment when the Client creates his/hers account in the Site or makes an order, this expresses his/hers agreement for receiving Bulletins from the Seller, as well as messages concerning orders of goods and confirmations of order changes.

3.3.       The Clients rejection of receiving Bulletins can be expressed anytime using the special link, found in every Bulletin or through the phone on the number 0889 223619.

3.4.      If  after a rejection to receive Bulletins has already been made by the Buyer, the User makes another order it is considered, that he/she has agreed to receive the Newsletter again.

3.5.      The rejection of receiving the Bulletins doesn’t mean an automatic rejection or given consent for the conclusion of this contract.

3.6.       With the provision of his/hers data to the Seller (including email, telephone) the User gives his/hers explicit consent that the Seller can contact him/her.

3.7.       The Seller reserves his/hers right to choose who to send Bulletins to, as well as to remove from their database the User who has given his/hers permission to receive Bulletins.

3.8.       The Clients have responsibility for security of their password and account and are entirely responsible for their actions carried out through their account or with their password. The seller reccomends to sign out from the account at the end of the session, clicking the button “Exit”.



4.1.      Orders in the online shop www.detelina.bg can be made in the following three ways:

A) Orders after registration.

 The Client fills out information fields for : name and surname, address and delivery address if it’s different for the specific delivery, telephone and email address. The Client declares his/hers wish to receive Bulletins.

B) Anonymous order

The Client fills out information fields for : name and surname, address for delivery and telephone needed for completing the order, in this case the client does not receive a written confirmation for the order he/she has made.

C) Fast order.

The Client fills out information fields for: name and telephone. With him/her an operator of the Seller connects and in a conversation specifies the needed information for completion of the order; meaning specifies the product (color, size) and takes the needed information for fulfilment of the order: name and surname, address for delivery and telephone. In this case the client doesn’t receive written confirmation for the order he/she has made.

4.2.       The Client is obligated to respond to all the data for the order, which he/she has made and send to the Seller to be correct, complete and true to date of making the order.

4.3.       Every Goods/Services which is added to the shopping cart is available for purchase in the frame of the available stocks. The addition of one Goods and/or Service in the shopping cart, does not lead to a registration of the order and automatic saving of the Good/Service.The order is activated by the press of the second button “Order” and after the site loads the full information for the specific order (ordered goods, date and address for delivery).

4.4.      With a successfully made order, the User receives a confirmation through an electronic letter of the email address that the Buyer has given( The Buyer doesn’t have responsibility if the Client doesn’t receive this email) when the order is made as a registered User. In the confirmation email the ordered goods are mentioned, number of the order and date and time in which the order has been made. Users who have used the anonymous way of ordering or the fast order way do not receive a confirmation email. Confirmation through the phone is mandatory every time for each order.

4.5.       With the sending of the Order, the Client gives permission to the Seller to connect with him/her in every possible way.

4.6.       The Seller has the right to refuse to complete/to cancel the order made by the Client, for which Client will be informed. The cancelation of the order doesn’t bring any responsibility or following obligation for any of the sides to the other one and respectively none of them have the right to search from the other side compensation for the cancellation.

4.7.      In the case that the Client want to cancel the contract in the refusal period, given to him for this by the Seller, the latter is obligated to return the preemptively paid order in the period of 14 days from the date on which he/she receives the notification of the Client, that he/she is backing out of the contract. The sum will be returned as the following:

    Payments made through bank transfer- through restoration through the account, from which the payment was made.

   Payments made through pay to collect- through a bank account additionally provided by the Client

4.8.       The Seller has the right to slow down the restoration of the sum in the case of a signed contract until the return of the sold Goods.

4.9.       Right of return of the Goods have only the users on the account of the Law for protecting the users in the case that the goods are in a reserved commercial appearance and is accompanied by an undamaged package, price tag and barcode.

4.10.       In the case, that the ordered and prepaid Goods and/or Service from the Client can’t be delivered/given by the Seller, then the latter will inform the Client for this and will restore on the Client’s account the already paid for Goods and/or Service, in a period of 7 days from the date on which the Seller has made this fact or from the date on which the Buyer has clearly made his/hers wish for termination of the Contract.

4.11.       The Client can refuse an already made order without needing to provide the reasons for the refusal.

4.12.       A refusal can be made:

·             On the phone 0889 223619

·            Through an online letter (email) to the email address on the email address: detelina@detelina.bg. For the refusal to be valid, the User has to give: number of the order, the telephone number given by him/her when making the order, two names with which he/she has registered in the website, email address (online mail) with which he/she has registered in the website and value of the order.

·          Through filling the Reclamation form on the website www.detelina.bg



5.1.      Payment of the ordered goods can be made with three different ways or a combination between them, when despite the chosen way of payment, the sum for payment is the same and additional taxes for payment ways are not accounted for.

    With „ pay to collect ” - payment in cash to the courier upon shipment.

    With bank transfer on the shown firm account.

5.2.       For every ordered goods the user has to pay to price which is put into the online store at the moment of the order. The price of every order can change dynamically.



6.1.       The shipment is made only of successfly accepted orders after confirmation in a telephone conversation when the recipient is in Bulgaria. During the conversation the client is given the information when the order will be completed. Orders with a recipient outside Bulgaria aren’t confirmed with a telephone conversation.

6.2.      Price of the delivery of goods, offered by the Seller are calculated by the online store which depend on the courier and the client alone chooses which courier he/she will use.

6.3.      Delivery of the ordered goods isn’t being made during Sundays and on official holidays.

•    A normal delivery - in a period up to 4 working days from the moment of confirmation by one of our consultants through email or telephone for the available goods in stock.

•    A normal delivey to Greece and Romania - in a period of 6 working days from the moment of confirmation for available goods in stock.

•    Prolonged delivey - in a period of 15 calendar days from the moment of confirmation by one of our providers outside Bulgaria. Every one of these goods is marked on the site.

6.4.       The Seller uses for delivery the courier firms Speedy, Sameday and Econt  the common hours for delivey are from 9 am to 17.30 pm.The User can choose the courier and way of delivery during the making of the order.The Seller can change the chosen from the User courier while keeping same the price of the delivery is shown in the Shipment.

6.5.      The delivery is made to a specific address, chosen by the User ( it does not matter if it’s an office address or address where someone resides) or to an office of the chosen courier firm specified in a conversation with an operator of the Seller.

6.6.       If the Client does not provide access and conditions for delivery of the goods on the specific address in the specific period or does not go to the courier office he/she has chosen in the delivery periods, if he/she has selected that option the Seller is freed from the commitment to make the delivery.



7.1.      The Seller offers every Goods on the Site with a guarantee in agreement of the Goods with the Contract in agreement with the active legislation in the Republic of Bulgaria and the guarantee policy of the respective manufacter or the official distibutor of the Goods.



8.1.       The Client has the right of addvertisment or return of bought from the online store goods in a period of 14 days from the receival of the goods.

8.2.       Refusal of the contract can be made also in front of the courier in delivery of the goods, if the goods are delivered after the period because of reasons which are outside of the Clients reach and are not caused by outside powers.

8.3.      When a refusal of the contract happens the Client has to return the bought goods in an undamaged commercial appearance with a preserved label, as well as the receipt which accompanies the goods.

8.4.       When a refusal of the contract happens if the Client has already paid for the goods, the sum is being recovered for the returned goods on the bank account he/she has indicated. Sums are not recovered, untill the Client has returned the Goods. If the Goods are not returned in the period p.8.1 refusal of the contract does not result in any action.

8.5.       Right of refusal of the contract in the cases when the goods are already paid for, cannot be used for bathing suits, underwear and socks.

8.6.       Advertisments are made, when the bought goods doesn’t correspond to the agreement between the sides of the contract for sale. Discrepancy in the agreement between the sides can be seen in:

•    manufacturing defects of the Goods;

•    found missing parts of the Goods;

•    wrong Goods have been sent, different from the ordered ones;

•    Discrepancy with the declared size and/or colour – goods, sent in different sizes and/or different colours;

•    damage of the goods during the transportation.

8.7.       Advertisments can be caused in front of the Seller on the following email address detelina@detelina.bg  or through filling out the Advertisments form on the site www.detelina.bg, when at the same time with this the Client has to return the Goods in the period of 14 days counting from the point of receiving the Goods.

8.8.        During advertisment the Client can choose a change of the specific product for the same one without defects or in another size or another colour or a return of the Goods for a restoration of the paid Sum. Consultant of the online store can offer a change of the Goods with a completely different product with an expression of the prices – or the Client overpays, if the other product is more expensive or is being offered two different products for the same price or the User has to restore the difference between the returned and new product, if the price of the new product is lower than the one price the User has paid.

8.9.      Return of the Goods during advertisments, in cases outside of a manufacter defect or damage during transportation is made in the following conditions:

•    Original commercial appearance (the Goods aren’t torn, scratched, worn, washed, ironed).

•    There are no damages available, caused by misuse.

•    Preserved original packaging, label and receipt.

8.10.       Returning of the Goods with a refusal of the contract, or with advertisment , is made to an Econt office in Novi Iskar city on str.Commercial or at the address: Novi Iskar city, str.Iglika №4.

8.11.       With an exchange of the Goods the transportation fees are covered by the Client both ways it is different only if the exchange is needed because of a mistake of the online store. In this case the client can exchange or return the product, he/she himself/herself chooses the courier for this as well as where the product will be returned.



9.1.       Responsibility for drawbacks of the Goods, for performance of the contract for sale from a distance as well as restoration of paid sums carries the Seller of the Goods.

9.2.       The Seller does not have any responsibility in front of a third party, if such a party decides that the information made public on the online store violates someones copyright or some other rights of another intelectual property.



10.1.       It is possible that because of limited space and a consecutive structure of information, the products description can sometimes be incomplete

10.2.       All the Goods, including those on promotion/on sale are sold and delivered until exhaustion of the quantity even if that is not exclusively marked on the Site.

10.3.       General terms of www.detelina.bg are mandatory for every User onthe Site.

10.4.       Every use of this Site means that you have (a) carefully read the general terms and conditions for its use and (b) have agreed to comply with them unconditionally.

10.5.       General terms and conditions can be changed only by the Seller during any time through publishing in the Site. These changes come in power immediately and are mandatory for all Users/Clients

10.6.       The Seller has the rights to make changes on the terms and conditions for use during any time through own discretion or if they are needed because of an enactment in power. It is possible that they have retroactive action in regard to the already delivered and confirmed orders.

10.7.       In every case of changes of the general terms and conditions the Seller will inform the Clients through publishing the changes in the Site. In this sense You as a Client have the obligation to make a reference for eventual changes in the general terms and conditions of the Site with every use of it.

10.8.       If one of the provisions of the current general terms and conditions for usage of the Site turn out to be unreal or inapplicable, despite of the reason for that, this doesn’t have an effect on the unreality or inapplicability of the other provisions.

10.9.       The Seller makes a serious effort to keep the information which is offered in the Site up to date. Despite this, there’s to keep in mind the possibility of a technical error or a missing piece of information, the Seller makes it clear that the products images have an informative and guiding character, respectively that the delivered products can differ from the images, because of characteristics or design changes.

10.10.        Characteristics or prices of the products  described on the Site, can be changed by the Seller any time and can have technical mistakes. The Seller can deny to fulfil an order if the following conditions are present:

•    in a zero price

•    obviously unreal low price, against the other products from the same type on the Site

10.11.       The Site can contain links to other sites. The Seller does nott have responsibility for the confidentiality policy of other sites which he/she is not an admin of as well other information on them.

10.12.       Through registration of the Order on the site, the Buyer agrees through the phone or email makes his wish clear to receive the corresponding Goods or Service from the Seller against payment.

10.13.       The Seller will send You a notification for registration of the Order in the system which does not make sense of acceptance, confirmation or taking over of the commitment for its performance. This notification the Seller makes through an online way (email) or the telephone.

10.14.      In this sense the Seller has the right to not deliver part of or all the Goods or an incomplete part of or all of the Services from the Order on his/hers sole discretion including but not only because of exhaustion of the storage stock or a change in the price. In all cases the Seller notifies the Client for this through email or through the phone. In this position the only responsibility of the Seller is to return the eventually received in advance price of the Goods or the Service.

10.15.        Contract for purchase and sale from a distance between the Seller and the Client is considered for concluded if:

A)  In the moment of the receival of a notification from the side of the Client that the Seller is ready to provide the Service or to send the Goods from the Order of the supplier company which will deliver it to an address, stated by the Client according to the possibilities for delivery pricing conditions and company policy.

B)  After specification of the Order in a telephone conversation if an anonymous or fast order is used.

10.16.      Contract for purchase and sale is concluded between the Client and Seller consists of the current general terms and conditions and the information claimed by the Buyer on the Site.

10.17.       Access to the site www.detelina.bg with a registration purpose of an Order is allowed to every Client.

10.18.       The Seller preserves his/hers right to limit the access to the Website or parts of it for visitors, which have been registered except if something else is not required by the applicable law.

10.19.       The Client has the right to publish opinions for the Goods and/or Services, as well as to make contact with the Seller on the addresses already mentioned in section ,, contacts ’' on the Site or on the phone. Opinions or messages, which contain uncensored or inappropriate words will be removed from the Site or ignored. The Seller has the freedom to process the information received from the Client without it being necessary to give reason for his/hers actions in connection to this. The Client has the right to only one registration and can use only one User account with us.

10.20.       The Client does not have the right to use accounts of other registered user or to give other third parties the opportunity to use his/hers account. The Client does not have the right to maliciously create additional registered accounts with a malicious purpose to damage the Site’s functionality or with other Users or to try to pretend to be another User.

10.21.       Communication with the Buyer can be made through direct contact with him/her or on the address that are in the section ,, Contacts ’'. The Seller has the freedom to handle the received information without it being necessary to give reason for this.

10.22.      In a case of unusually large traffic from the internet web to the Site, the Seller keeps his/hers right to require from the Clients to establish hand validating codes type captcha with a safety purpose for the published information on the Site.

10.23.       The Seller can publish advertising or promotional information for the Goods and/or Services and/or for the offered from him/her or his/hers partners promotions, for a specific period of time as well as information of the stock availability.

10.24.        All the prices of the Goods and/or Services on the Site are final, stated in BGN,RON and EURO with all the required taxes and/or fees.

10.25.       In a case of payments through the PayPal system or payments through bank transfer, the Seller does not have any responsibility for any of the fees or any additional taxes that come in connection with the transaction the Buyer himself/herself made, as well as in the cases of currency exchange, applied by the bank itself, the one who has given the Client’s card in the cases when the currency is different from BGN. Expenses, connected with such payments are only for the Buyer’s expense.

10.26.       All the images, which are on the Site have the only purpose to make some kind of an idea for the type of offered Goods/Service but do not represent it fully. The Client does not have the right to hold the Seller responsible for any kind of discrepancies.

10.27.      The Seller has the right to use subcontractors for the performance of the Services, offered on the Site without it being necessary to notify the Buyer or receive his/hers permission for this.



11.1   The Site www.detelina.bg uses SSL certificate, which is seen from the additional S after the http in the browser used by the Client.
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a protocol, which provides encryption of the connection between the server (website) and browser (User). The connection transmisioned through this kind of connection is protected from unauthorized access and interception.



11.2   The Site www.detelina.bg is hosted by SuperHosting.BG OOD according to the rules of the Regulation (ЕС) 2016/679 of the European  Parliament and of the Council from the 27 april 2016 year concerning the protection of physical faces in connection to the processing of personal data and for cancalation of the Directive 95/46/ЕО ( Genneral regulation concerning the protection of data ) and is promulgated in an Official newspaper of the European Union on the 4 may 2016 year. (GDPR). 

11.3   The data which the Seller colects is only the neccesecary for completion of the Client’s order and is different volume in accordance to the way of delivery and way of order which have been chosen by him/her.

A) With a regustered User and prefered delivery to address, namely name and surnane, telephone number and delivery address (it is possible that is an official address, current address, office address or the address on which the User will be on the day of delivery), email address and IP address from which the Order has been made.

B) With an Annonymous Order and prefered delivety to a courier office, namely the name and surname, telephone number and IP address from which the order has been made.

C) With a Fast Order and prefered delivery to a courier office, namely name and surname, telephone number.

11.5   The User has the access to his/her own data and can correct it any time, change it or delete it through his/hers username and password.

11.4   The Data given by the User is used only for the completion of the User’s Order. The only data which is given to a third party is the one necessary for the courier firm to complete the delivery, as well as data asked from authorized personnel in the order of LOC.



12.1.      None of the sides holds any responsibility for not competing their contract duties if such negligence is caused by a forestry condition.  A forestry condition is an  unpredictable event outside of the control of the sides which cannot be evaded.

12.2.      If in a period of 14 days from the date of the corresponding event if it does not cease both of the sides have the right to notify the other side that they are cancelling the Contract without owning the other side compensation for any damages that may eventually occur.



13.1.       The Content according to the definiton in chapter ,,Definitions’' includes but not only the logo, all kinds of graphical images or signs, commecial signs, texts and/or multimedia content on the Site can be used only by the Seller.

13.2.      Nothing in the concluded contract from distance between the Seller and Client can be considered as permission from the side of the Seller that the latter can copy, distribute, publish, give to third parties, change in whatever way any part of the Conent including but not only the content of commercial brands, logos, multimedia content on the Site and/or descriptions of the Goods or Services in whatever way including through the input of whatever content which is from outside the Site the removal of the signs denoting the rights of ownership of the Seller of the Content. The Client does not have the right to transfer, sell, distribute materials, made by the reproduction (copying), changing or publishing of Content the only execption being if a specific approval is provided by the Seller.

13.3.       Every kind of Content to which the Client has access to despite the means for that is a subject matter of regulation from the general terms and conditions

13.4.       The Client can copy transfer and/or use the Content only for personal non-commercial purposes only in the case in which this does not go against the already perceived in the current contract.

13.5.       The Client has the right to use the Content for commercial purposes only when and if he/she has received a written agreement from the Seller for this as well as the time limits for which this agreement was given specificallyEvery following or different use of the Content can be considered for violation of the current contract between the Seller and Client and for violation of the rights of intelectual ownership of Detelina.BG OOD which has the right to hold the Client responsible for this.

13.6.       The simple act of sending to the Client or reffering him/her to the Content or parts of it from the Seller will not count for permission that Client can use the Content or part of it for his/hers own purpose different from personal needs independently from the means of communication used by the Seller.

13.7.       Any use of the Content for purposes other than the ones specifically listed in the general terms and conditions or other specific written agreement, given by Detelina.BG OOD is forbidden.

 The current general terms and conditions are accepted by the manager of Detelina.BG OOD on the 20.06.2023 .

Last correction on the 20.06.2023